Why are you doing what you're doing? So often, we get so caught up in the momentum of our lives that we forget to live. Once we have set an objective for ourselves, we must learn to stay focused on our vision without becoming prisoner to our own strategy. Our job is to stay clear about what we want and to be conscious of our choices. We must learn to surrender our need to know how we are going to get what we want. If we even attempt to control the means, we will most likely blind ourselves to a world of unexpected opportunities. Expect the miracle without knowing in what form it will arrive.
Examine where you are spending the majority of your time. What are you doing? Why? Is the return on your time, energy and talents well invested? Are you getting more than you are giving? If not, perhaps it is time to reevaluate your strategy. Are you feeding your life, joy and happiness or are you blindly hiding in the routine of existence? The world can no longer afford your absence. You need to be fully present at every moment of your day. How are you going to ensure that you are spending your time wisely? How will you evaluate your success? What are you willing to do TODAY to live more effectively?
success or sabotage? has your plan for success become the foundation of self-sabotage? are you doing all that you can to ensure conscious thoughts, words and actions?
is this going to be an incredible day? is your routine interfering with your joy? if so, what's the point?
"Men for the sake of getting a living forget to live." - Margaret Fuller
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
What is your vision for your life? What is the greatest that you can hope to achieve? Are your answers influenced by the limitations of tribal consciousness?
What are the reasons that you use to justify living below your potential?
I cannot do this because....
I am not educated enough.
I am too old.
I am the wrong ethnicity.
I am the wrong gender.
I don't have the experience.
I will never be taken seriously.
I don't have the time.
I am not good looking enough.
I don't know what I am doing.
The justification is your own. You (ultimately) only answer to yourself. There are no excuses. There are only choices. Remove the judgment from your choices and simply be clear about the choices that you are making. You may either be the rule or the exception. There is no need to defend your doubt and support your fear with reasons for why your life is not all that you would like it to be. When you truly decide that you want your life to be more and believe that it is possible, you will act accordingly.
Monitor your thoughts and words today. Do you find yourself defending your fear and inaction or supporting the power and potential of something new and more effective?
success or sabotage? whatever the reasons that you use to limit yourself: stop lying. it is a choice that you are making and nothing more. success is a choice, not a destiny.
is this going to be an incredible day? what do you use as your reasons to limit the possibility of miracles in your life today?
"Men and women are limited not by the place of their birth, not by the color of their skin, but by the size of their hope…" John H. Johnson
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
What are the reasons that you use to justify living below your potential?
I cannot do this because....
I am not educated enough.
I am too old.
I am the wrong ethnicity.
I am the wrong gender.
I don't have the experience.
I will never be taken seriously.
I don't have the time.
I am not good looking enough.
I don't know what I am doing.
The justification is your own. You (ultimately) only answer to yourself. There are no excuses. There are only choices. Remove the judgment from your choices and simply be clear about the choices that you are making. You may either be the rule or the exception. There is no need to defend your doubt and support your fear with reasons for why your life is not all that you would like it to be. When you truly decide that you want your life to be more and believe that it is possible, you will act accordingly.
Monitor your thoughts and words today. Do you find yourself defending your fear and inaction or supporting the power and potential of something new and more effective?
success or sabotage? whatever the reasons that you use to limit yourself: stop lying. it is a choice that you are making and nothing more. success is a choice, not a destiny.
is this going to be an incredible day? what do you use as your reasons to limit the possibility of miracles in your life today?
"Men and women are limited not by the place of their birth, not by the color of their skin, but by the size of their hope…" John H. Johnson
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
We may resist times of trial and tribulation, but it is in those moments that our character is most developed. Our discovery is not simply limited to the nature of our being; it includes a demonstration of our true strength. We are reminded that we are the true hero and protagonist of our story.
Take some time today to reflect on your life to date. Look at how much you have been through (and you are still here!). Rather than painting a picture of regret and victimization, celebrate your victories. Tell the story as truth--you are the hero that has triumphed over great adversities. Now, examine the qualities that enabled you to move beyond the obstacles. It is these characteristics that define the hero: you! You will begin to notice that the challenges that you face today are no greater than those that you faced in the past. You simply need to use the same strength of character to overcome your current challenges.
success or sabotage? in order to be successful, you must remember that you have already made great accomplishments. how can you appreciate success if it remains unacknowledged?
is this going to be an incredible day? find the qualities within that make each day incredible.
"Adversity has ever been considered the state in which a man most
easily becomes acquainted with himself."--Samuel Johnson
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Take some time today to reflect on your life to date. Look at how much you have been through (and you are still here!). Rather than painting a picture of regret and victimization, celebrate your victories. Tell the story as truth--you are the hero that has triumphed over great adversities. Now, examine the qualities that enabled you to move beyond the obstacles. It is these characteristics that define the hero: you! You will begin to notice that the challenges that you face today are no greater than those that you faced in the past. You simply need to use the same strength of character to overcome your current challenges.
success or sabotage? in order to be successful, you must remember that you have already made great accomplishments. how can you appreciate success if it remains unacknowledged?
is this going to be an incredible day? find the qualities within that make each day incredible.
"Adversity has ever been considered the state in which a man most
easily becomes acquainted with himself."--Samuel Johnson
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Peace is a concept that tends to evade people on a personal level. It is easy to think of peace in terms of world relations (war vs. peace), but if most were asked what they do to contribute to peace on a daily basis, they would be dumb-struck. As long as we are unable to build a bridge between global consciousness and our personal daily interactions, we will be unsuccessful in our attempts to battle international unrest.
As Jonathan Larson so aptly stated in Rent, "the opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation." If you want to examine the concept of peace in your own life, take a moment to examine what you are creating on a daily basis. Let's take it to the micro level. You are driving in traffic, someone pulls out in front of you and you give them the "finger." The driver of the car gets upset and takes that emotion home to his/her partner. The partner, in-turn, gets upset at the injustice of the emotion (now being exerted on him/her) and takes it to the supermarket where it is unleashed on an employee at the check-out. If you are unable to see that your words and actions may have global implications, you are fooling yourself.
Take some time today to examine the practice of peace in your life. Are you treating yourself with respect and dignity? Do you belittle yourself or put yourself down in your self-talk or in the presence of others? Do you engage anger as a means of releasing your emotion when things are upsetting or unpredictable? It is not a matter of validity; your emotions are always valid. It is a matter of your investment of energy. Is it an investment that serves you and the world that surrounds you?
success or sabotage? success is not created in a vacuum; one could argue that it is your responsibility to create joy and success in your life for your benefit and for the world.
is this going to be an incredible day? look at your commitments today. are you creating greater peace or greater conflict?
“To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything is in itself to succumb to the violence of our times.” –Thomas Merton
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
As Jonathan Larson so aptly stated in Rent, "the opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation." If you want to examine the concept of peace in your own life, take a moment to examine what you are creating on a daily basis. Let's take it to the micro level. You are driving in traffic, someone pulls out in front of you and you give them the "finger." The driver of the car gets upset and takes that emotion home to his/her partner. The partner, in-turn, gets upset at the injustice of the emotion (now being exerted on him/her) and takes it to the supermarket where it is unleashed on an employee at the check-out. If you are unable to see that your words and actions may have global implications, you are fooling yourself.
Take some time today to examine the practice of peace in your life. Are you treating yourself with respect and dignity? Do you belittle yourself or put yourself down in your self-talk or in the presence of others? Do you engage anger as a means of releasing your emotion when things are upsetting or unpredictable? It is not a matter of validity; your emotions are always valid. It is a matter of your investment of energy. Is it an investment that serves you and the world that surrounds you?
success or sabotage? success is not created in a vacuum; one could argue that it is your responsibility to create joy and success in your life for your benefit and for the world.
is this going to be an incredible day? look at your commitments today. are you creating greater peace or greater conflict?
“To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything is in itself to succumb to the violence of our times.” –Thomas Merton
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
What do you love?
I am amazed at how difficult that question becomes for many. After two or three traditional responses, people are often stuck.
Is your life really so out of focus that you are unable to see the beauty and blessings that constantly surround you? Many are in such a habit of paying attention to what they do not have that they have blocked the possibilities by ignoring what they have already created.
Today, I invite you to open your eyes to the riches that you have in your life. Notice the people that love you, the quality of your life, the food that you eat, the people that worked to bring you that food (farmers, truck drivers, grocery store stock people, cashiers, etc), those that entertain you (music, television, radio). Speak your admiration aloud--"I love...." Feel your energy shift in your body. Bathe in it. This is love. Have you forgotten?
success or sabotage? success escapes those who are blind to its arrival.
is this going to be an incredible day? are you unable to see it?
"Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done." - Vincent van Gogh
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
I am amazed at how difficult that question becomes for many. After two or three traditional responses, people are often stuck.
Is your life really so out of focus that you are unable to see the beauty and blessings that constantly surround you? Many are in such a habit of paying attention to what they do not have that they have blocked the possibilities by ignoring what they have already created.
Today, I invite you to open your eyes to the riches that you have in your life. Notice the people that love you, the quality of your life, the food that you eat, the people that worked to bring you that food (farmers, truck drivers, grocery store stock people, cashiers, etc), those that entertain you (music, television, radio). Speak your admiration aloud--"I love...." Feel your energy shift in your body. Bathe in it. This is love. Have you forgotten?
success or sabotage? success escapes those who are blind to its arrival.
is this going to be an incredible day? are you unable to see it?
"Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done." - Vincent van Gogh
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
business consciousness,
Do you find that your life seems to be a frantic race that you never win? Are you always trying to catch up with your own expectations?
There are many who have come to believe that they are not living a full life if they are not exhausted. Some seem to wear their weariness as a badge of honor, making sure to tell others how many hours they have worked, how little sleep they have been awarded and how there does not seem to be an end in sight.
To what do you equate value? Have you come to believe that the "nose to the grindstone" life is the only one that will result in the life that you desire? Often we become imprisoned by our own beliefs, without bothering to check the assumptions behind them.
Today, I invite you to consider this possible truth: life happens through me (notice I did not say by me). Keep your eye on your goals/objectives and allow the rest to unfold without feeling that you must force the unfolding. Take some time today (in the midst of your responsibilities) to simply enjoy the day. Notice the little things that so easily escape your attention (the blooming flowers, the color of the sky, the color of socks that your co-worker is wearing, etc). Allow your self to remain connected to the power within that is your source (however you choose to refer to it).
success or sabotage? you choose the path to your success. it can either be smooth or bumpy. if you find that you are defending your limitations, you are limiting your success.
is this going to be an incredible day? will you allow it to be?
" ... grownups see more in and behind a clock than any clock can justify."--Gunther Grass
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
There are many who have come to believe that they are not living a full life if they are not exhausted. Some seem to wear their weariness as a badge of honor, making sure to tell others how many hours they have worked, how little sleep they have been awarded and how there does not seem to be an end in sight.
To what do you equate value? Have you come to believe that the "nose to the grindstone" life is the only one that will result in the life that you desire? Often we become imprisoned by our own beliefs, without bothering to check the assumptions behind them.
Today, I invite you to consider this possible truth: life happens through me (notice I did not say by me). Keep your eye on your goals/objectives and allow the rest to unfold without feeling that you must force the unfolding. Take some time today (in the midst of your responsibilities) to simply enjoy the day. Notice the little things that so easily escape your attention (the blooming flowers, the color of the sky, the color of socks that your co-worker is wearing, etc). Allow your self to remain connected to the power within that is your source (however you choose to refer to it).
success or sabotage? you choose the path to your success. it can either be smooth or bumpy. if you find that you are defending your limitations, you are limiting your success.
is this going to be an incredible day? will you allow it to be?
" ... grownups see more in and behind a clock than any clock can justify."--Gunther Grass
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
So often we wait for conditions to change before we transform ourselves to the level that we desire. This is a common form of self-sabotage. Be that which you desire to be and to receive RIGHT NOW and the conditions will follow. It seems counter intuitive to the way that we have been taught to think, but it is the only way to guarantee the results that we desire.
If you wish to be rich, be rich in your actions--living as if you have already achieved your goal. If you wish to be loved, be loving and extend your self to others. If you wish to be confident, be bold in your execution. Allow the very nature that you desire to be born within you by opening the door with effective action.
Who do you want to be? Choose one value or characteristic and make it your purpose to be the personification of that quality in all that you think, say and do today. You will be astounded by the results.
success or sabotage? you have all of that you need to succeed at this moment.
is this going to be an incredible day? make this day incredible for another and watch it transform before your eyes.
"Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind."--Eric Hoffer
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
If you wish to be rich, be rich in your actions--living as if you have already achieved your goal. If you wish to be loved, be loving and extend your self to others. If you wish to be confident, be bold in your execution. Allow the very nature that you desire to be born within you by opening the door with effective action.
Who do you want to be? Choose one value or characteristic and make it your purpose to be the personification of that quality in all that you think, say and do today. You will be astounded by the results.
success or sabotage? you have all of that you need to succeed at this moment.
is this going to be an incredible day? make this day incredible for another and watch it transform before your eyes.
"Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind."--Eric Hoffer
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Peace is not a thought, it is an action. If you are waiting until the time is "right" before acting, you are part of the problem rather than the solution. Commit to taking some steps today, even if they seem small, to engaging others.
Surrender your judgment in an attempt to know true intimacy. Attempt to find a source of connection that will remind you that we are more alike than we are different. Free your self from the voice of judgment that argues that you are ok and that others are "misguided, ignorant or unaware." As you walk in the world today, notice something positive about each person (even those that pass on the street). In your heart, bless each soul that passes, knowing that their challenges and victories are the same. Attempt to connect with others by listening rather than talking. Allow your voice to be an instrument of support, rather than one that needs to advise, assist or chastise. In essence, just "be."
success or sabotage? if you feed the success of others, you will create greater success for your self and for the entire planet.
is this going to be an incredible day? find the joy in others and be willing to expand your possibilities.
"If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth."--Mitsugi Saotome
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Surrender your judgment in an attempt to know true intimacy. Attempt to find a source of connection that will remind you that we are more alike than we are different. Free your self from the voice of judgment that argues that you are ok and that others are "misguided, ignorant or unaware." As you walk in the world today, notice something positive about each person (even those that pass on the street). In your heart, bless each soul that passes, knowing that their challenges and victories are the same. Attempt to connect with others by listening rather than talking. Allow your voice to be an instrument of support, rather than one that needs to advise, assist or chastise. In essence, just "be."
success or sabotage? if you feed the success of others, you will create greater success for your self and for the entire planet.
is this going to be an incredible day? find the joy in others and be willing to expand your possibilities.
"If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth."--Mitsugi Saotome
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
personal development,
You are walking down the street on a beautiful spring day. Without warning, you find that you have stepped into some dog-doo. Now you have poop on your new Kenneth Cole's! In this situation, one might declare the injustice of dog owners who do not clean up after their pets. One might also share the pain of the experience, encouraging everyone to look at and smell the shoes. Attempts at vindication, however, are not proactive. It may serve your sense of righteous indignation, but it will do nothing to assist you in getting where you would like to be (unless your goal is to remain a victim). Instead, why not clean up or change your shoes? Take a moment to look at what you might have done to have been more effective (such as watching where you step!).
If you are not happy with where you are at this moment, do not stay entrenched in the misery of your circumstances. You did not arrive here by accident. Your thoughts, words, and actions (your choices) brought you here. On some level, you received what you intended (even if that intention was unconscious, you are living one!). You can either utilize this opportunity for judgment and self-criticism or you can allow it to better inform you for today and the days to come. What are three things that you can do TODAY to create a more effective life for your self? Even a small step of clarity is a step in an effective direction.
success or sabotage? success requires one to find the opportunity in all circumstances.
is this going to be an incredible day? what opportunities does this day hold for greater joy and satisfaction?
"Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped." - African proverb
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
If you are not happy with where you are at this moment, do not stay entrenched in the misery of your circumstances. You did not arrive here by accident. Your thoughts, words, and actions (your choices) brought you here. On some level, you received what you intended (even if that intention was unconscious, you are living one!). You can either utilize this opportunity for judgment and self-criticism or you can allow it to better inform you for today and the days to come. What are three things that you can do TODAY to create a more effective life for your self? Even a small step of clarity is a step in an effective direction.
success or sabotage? success requires one to find the opportunity in all circumstances.
is this going to be an incredible day? what opportunities does this day hold for greater joy and satisfaction?
"Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped." - African proverb
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
personal growth,
Getting out of bed was a challenge. I have not slept particularly well for the past few nights and have been unable to catch up on some much needed rest. I went through the necessary motions of preparing myself for the day, dreading the necessity of leaving the comforts of my apartment. As I was waiting for the bus, I ran into a guy that I have run into several times before. He has been experiencing some very difficult challenges over the past couple of years and always seems to question whether he will make it successfully into the next day. As we boarded the bus, I listened as he shared the latest chapters of his story.
There was a "dark timber" in his voice as he shared recent heartaches, the ending of a love relationship and returning to some old addictions. The misery in his heart was palpable. One could easily sense the desire for a little love and encouragement. In our conversation, I was able to gently remind him (through the reflection of his words) of where he was when we first spoke, how much he has achieved in a short period of time and how it seemed that the path (though challenging) seemed to be clearing the way for even greater things. We were able to shift the view of his recent challenges from pain and punishment to incredible opportunities (without diminishing the difficult nature of the choices necessary to sustain a positive outlook).
By the time, we reached our destination, he was smiling and laughing. He expressed some hope for where things were going. The presence of this man made my day worthwhile. Even if the smile that was elicited was only momentary, it was a step in the right direction and I was able to witness it! In a matter of minutes, my day was transformed to one of meaning and possibility, simply because I extended myself to another.
success or sabotage? today, i invite you to create success by making others more successful. meet people where they are and allow them to be true--absent of judgment or necessity.
is this going to be an incredible day? for me, the world is truly my oyster. how about you?
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."--Winston Churchill
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
There was a "dark timber" in his voice as he shared recent heartaches, the ending of a love relationship and returning to some old addictions. The misery in his heart was palpable. One could easily sense the desire for a little love and encouragement. In our conversation, I was able to gently remind him (through the reflection of his words) of where he was when we first spoke, how much he has achieved in a short period of time and how it seemed that the path (though challenging) seemed to be clearing the way for even greater things. We were able to shift the view of his recent challenges from pain and punishment to incredible opportunities (without diminishing the difficult nature of the choices necessary to sustain a positive outlook).
By the time, we reached our destination, he was smiling and laughing. He expressed some hope for where things were going. The presence of this man made my day worthwhile. Even if the smile that was elicited was only momentary, it was a step in the right direction and I was able to witness it! In a matter of minutes, my day was transformed to one of meaning and possibility, simply because I extended myself to another.
success or sabotage? today, i invite you to create success by making others more successful. meet people where they are and allow them to be true--absent of judgment or necessity.
is this going to be an incredible day? for me, the world is truly my oyster. how about you?
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."--Winston Churchill
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
The analytical mind often serves as our evidence and reasoning for not moving effectively forward. It can be a cleverly veiled form of self-sabotage for those who consider themselves to be "thinkers."
Research and preparation can be helpful tools--make no mistake! When you ultimately bet on assumptions, however, why is the immediate inclination to invest in the negative outcome? The world's greatest achievers have been (and always will be) risk-takers. They walk in faith with a knowing that supersedes any tribal logic or statistical analysis. They do not rely on the "good opinion" of other people.
As you begin a new day, think in terms of how you may be holding your self back. What is it that you are NOT doing because of fear, uncertainty or the need to do more research? What is the worst thing that could happen if you began to move aggressively forward?
success or sabotage? every choice is aligned with one or the other. be clear of your choices and decide what best serves you at this moment.
is this going to be an incredible day? do not wait for the day to decide--get out there and make it so!
"Beware of creating paralysis by analysis." - Edwin and Sally Kiester
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Research and preparation can be helpful tools--make no mistake! When you ultimately bet on assumptions, however, why is the immediate inclination to invest in the negative outcome? The world's greatest achievers have been (and always will be) risk-takers. They walk in faith with a knowing that supersedes any tribal logic or statistical analysis. They do not rely on the "good opinion" of other people.
As you begin a new day, think in terms of how you may be holding your self back. What is it that you are NOT doing because of fear, uncertainty or the need to do more research? What is the worst thing that could happen if you began to move aggressively forward?
success or sabotage? every choice is aligned with one or the other. be clear of your choices and decide what best serves you at this moment.
is this going to be an incredible day? do not wait for the day to decide--get out there and make it so!
"Beware of creating paralysis by analysis." - Edwin and Sally Kiester
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Law of Attraction,
A brilliant mind does not necessarily equate to great success. If you wish to grow and succeed, you must be willing to miserably lose the dignity of your ego. The only real test of your theory is action and results. Do not continue to fool your self into believing that you must continue to ponder, analyze and research. If you want to live large, you have to invest large. Be willing to put all that you are on the line. It may be frightening, but (no matter what the outcome) the rewards are infinite.
What is the action that you are NOT taking? Something flashed into your mind just then. Take that objective and translate it into effective action. What are three steps you will take to bring this goal to fruition? Take the first step today (yes, today!). If you are not willing to risk it today, what makes you think tomorrow will be any different?
success or sabotage? we all have what it takes to succeed if we will simply act.
is this going to be an incredible day? think of how fulfilled you will feel at the end of this day if you have stretched beyond your usual comforts.
"An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory."--Fredrich Engels
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
What is the action that you are NOT taking? Something flashed into your mind just then. Take that objective and translate it into effective action. What are three steps you will take to bring this goal to fruition? Take the first step today (yes, today!). If you are not willing to risk it today, what makes you think tomorrow will be any different?
success or sabotage? we all have what it takes to succeed if we will simply act.
is this going to be an incredible day? think of how fulfilled you will feel at the end of this day if you have stretched beyond your usual comforts.
"An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory."--Fredrich Engels
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Law of Attraction,
Fear is a friend with limited information. It receives its information from past experience and builds a database of things to be mindful of as we move through our lives. It's mission is to protect us from perceived harm and danger, but it has no understanding of the power of assumptions or growth. Fear is not the enemy, as many would suggest. Fear is the thing that prevents us from placing our hand on a hot burner. It is, however, "an employee" that needs to be managed.
When you are faced with fear or anxiety, check the validity of your assumptions. Do you have any facts that would indicate that your fear's counsel is worthy of attention? Just like the kid who shines the light underneath the bed to be certain there is no "boogie man," an examination of the source and validity of your fears can help you manage or dissolve its power over you. When you examine the "validity of your fears," it is not a question of whether your feelings are valid (your feelings are always valid); it is an examination of the evidence that suggests your fears are based on sound information. If you are going to base your actions on assumptions, why invest in the negative assumptions? Why not consider the positive and likely alternatives?
Most people run in the other direction when they are faced with fear. This is the worst possible action. By running away, you are simply giving that particular fear a promotion--to a leadership position! Instead, shine the light in the dark place. Understanding is the key to clarification and more effective living.
success or sabotage? are you afraid of success or failure? are you managing your fears or are they managing you?
is this going to be an incredible day? take a moment to think of all of the obstacles and fears that you have overcome to get to where you are today. do you really think that you have gotten weaker or less skilled as you have reached greater wisdom and maturity?
“The light of understanding dissolves the phantom of fear.”—Ellie Harold
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
When you are faced with fear or anxiety, check the validity of your assumptions. Do you have any facts that would indicate that your fear's counsel is worthy of attention? Just like the kid who shines the light underneath the bed to be certain there is no "boogie man," an examination of the source and validity of your fears can help you manage or dissolve its power over you. When you examine the "validity of your fears," it is not a question of whether your feelings are valid (your feelings are always valid); it is an examination of the evidence that suggests your fears are based on sound information. If you are going to base your actions on assumptions, why invest in the negative assumptions? Why not consider the positive and likely alternatives?
Most people run in the other direction when they are faced with fear. This is the worst possible action. By running away, you are simply giving that particular fear a promotion--to a leadership position! Instead, shine the light in the dark place. Understanding is the key to clarification and more effective living.
success or sabotage? are you afraid of success or failure? are you managing your fears or are they managing you?
is this going to be an incredible day? take a moment to think of all of the obstacles and fears that you have overcome to get to where you are today. do you really think that you have gotten weaker or less skilled as you have reached greater wisdom and maturity?
“The light of understanding dissolves the phantom of fear.”—Ellie Harold
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
personal development,
Are you managing your life or is your life managing you? One of the greatest storylines on television was when George on "Seinfeld" got so fed up with his life that he decided to ignore his instincts and do everything the opposite of his inclination. Once he made the switch, his life was magically transformed and he started to get everything that he wanted. There was a great deal of truth in the plot.
Sometimes we get so caught up in our story (our version of reality) that we forget that it is simply our viewpoint and our choices, not a definitive reality. We often live as though the world is unfolding and we just showed up to watch. We simply react to what we are given; we often act as if we have no responsibility for what happens in our lives. This is a sure path to sustained misery. For all practical purposes, we might as well just lay on the highway and beg the largest truck to run us over.
Our lives are a product of our thoughts and choices. Our thoughts and choices are habitual. How many times must we suffer from making ineffective choices before we awaken to the truth? When are we going to invest in the energy and discipline necessary to create the kind of lives that we say we want?
Notice how often you begin to validate the way that you feel today. Stop yourself (in mid-stream, if necessary) and disengage. Start again...only this time come up with a solution. What is one small step that you can take TODAY to create more effective habits?
success or sabotage? which master are you serving?
is this going to be an incredible day? are you ruling the day or is the day ruling you?
“Habit is the best of servants, the worst of masters.”—J. Jelinek
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Sometimes we get so caught up in our story (our version of reality) that we forget that it is simply our viewpoint and our choices, not a definitive reality. We often live as though the world is unfolding and we just showed up to watch. We simply react to what we are given; we often act as if we have no responsibility for what happens in our lives. This is a sure path to sustained misery. For all practical purposes, we might as well just lay on the highway and beg the largest truck to run us over.
Our lives are a product of our thoughts and choices. Our thoughts and choices are habitual. How many times must we suffer from making ineffective choices before we awaken to the truth? When are we going to invest in the energy and discipline necessary to create the kind of lives that we say we want?
Notice how often you begin to validate the way that you feel today. Stop yourself (in mid-stream, if necessary) and disengage. Start again...only this time come up with a solution. What is one small step that you can take TODAY to create more effective habits?
success or sabotage? which master are you serving?
is this going to be an incredible day? are you ruling the day or is the day ruling you?
“Habit is the best of servants, the worst of masters.”—J. Jelinek
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
There is a dark journey of the soul that precedes our greatest awakening and rewards. There are moments in our lives when we simply cannot see how we will make it through the next hour, much less the entire day, week or month. There is a gift in the darkness. Hold on. There is something in the darkness that will enable us to withstand the blinding warmth of the light. Hold on.
You have already been through these moments. You have already experienced this darkness and you are still here. Think back. You emerged from the dark moments of despair and were able to pick yourself up and move on--stronger than ever before. In nature, erosion is often necessary to make room for new growth. In our lives, it is often necessary for us to surrender our will and expectations for something bigger and better than we could ever imagine. If you are too stubborn to clearly see the way through the darkness (gripping on to the way things are or your idea of how things should be), the universe will rock your world until you release that which is standing in your way. The darkness is always followed by dawn. We do not need to have faith to know that the sun will rise tomorrow.
In the midst of apparent tragedy, we can either get caught up in the drama of the events and engage the fear of the future or we can take note of how far we have come as a result of this rude and painful awakening. We can stop to ask ourselves what we are doing to create more peace and love in our lives and, as a result, in the world. You may be in the midst of a very dark moment. Know that you have a choice--no experience is greater than you--and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The power and presence that is within you is greater than any circumstance.
success or sabotage? all success is born out of darkness--it is a necessary part of the journey; the darker the night, the brighter the success!
is this going to be an incredible day? how can you shine a light for the comfort of others today? how will you make someone's life just a little bit better?
“It is always darkest before the dawn.”—Thomas Fuller
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
You have already been through these moments. You have already experienced this darkness and you are still here. Think back. You emerged from the dark moments of despair and were able to pick yourself up and move on--stronger than ever before. In nature, erosion is often necessary to make room for new growth. In our lives, it is often necessary for us to surrender our will and expectations for something bigger and better than we could ever imagine. If you are too stubborn to clearly see the way through the darkness (gripping on to the way things are or your idea of how things should be), the universe will rock your world until you release that which is standing in your way. The darkness is always followed by dawn. We do not need to have faith to know that the sun will rise tomorrow.
In the midst of apparent tragedy, we can either get caught up in the drama of the events and engage the fear of the future or we can take note of how far we have come as a result of this rude and painful awakening. We can stop to ask ourselves what we are doing to create more peace and love in our lives and, as a result, in the world. You may be in the midst of a very dark moment. Know that you have a choice--no experience is greater than you--and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The power and presence that is within you is greater than any circumstance.
success or sabotage? all success is born out of darkness--it is a necessary part of the journey; the darker the night, the brighter the success!
is this going to be an incredible day? how can you shine a light for the comfort of others today? how will you make someone's life just a little bit better?
“It is always darkest before the dawn.”—Thomas Fuller
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Do you want to live or do you want to exist? The world is filled with those who have sacrificed their dreams and desires for a life of victim hood and complacency. They have concluded on some level that the pain and discomfort of the reactionary life is simpler than the road of responsibility and reward. Their assumption may be correct.
The reward of personal responsibility and "right livelihood" is that you can indeed have everything that you want. There is, however, a cost. You must be willing to surrender your fears and expectations and sacrifice any beliefs and actions that support victimization. You must accept and acknowledge that your life is your own creation. You must work to elevate your consciousness and clarity and take responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions. Greatness requires a great deal of work. It is not work in the way that we have become accustomed. It is not task oriented or even income generating (at first). It requires the discipline of self-examination, acceptance and soul searching. It is a road filled with many detours, uncertainties and ultimately many riches.
The blueprint for success--the success that is aligned with your soul and being--is within you. You already know the way. You have to be willing to get out of the way. What is it that you are not doing? How are you standing in the way? You know the answer; are you willing to admit it? Are you willing to put yourself first and take action TODAY? We can all come up with a host of valid reasons for why it should be tomorrow or perhaps next week. Do I need to remind you that your life is waiting?
success or sabotage? are you taking responsibility for your success? do you want it enough to take the necessary action?
is this going to be an incredible day? there is a responsibility in any creation; the day is yours for the unfolding.
“The price of greatness is responsibility.”—Winston Churchill
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
The reward of personal responsibility and "right livelihood" is that you can indeed have everything that you want. There is, however, a cost. You must be willing to surrender your fears and expectations and sacrifice any beliefs and actions that support victimization. You must accept and acknowledge that your life is your own creation. You must work to elevate your consciousness and clarity and take responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions. Greatness requires a great deal of work. It is not work in the way that we have become accustomed. It is not task oriented or even income generating (at first). It requires the discipline of self-examination, acceptance and soul searching. It is a road filled with many detours, uncertainties and ultimately many riches.
The blueprint for success--the success that is aligned with your soul and being--is within you. You already know the way. You have to be willing to get out of the way. What is it that you are not doing? How are you standing in the way? You know the answer; are you willing to admit it? Are you willing to put yourself first and take action TODAY? We can all come up with a host of valid reasons for why it should be tomorrow or perhaps next week. Do I need to remind you that your life is waiting?
success or sabotage? are you taking responsibility for your success? do you want it enough to take the necessary action?
is this going to be an incredible day? there is a responsibility in any creation; the day is yours for the unfolding.
“The price of greatness is responsibility.”—Winston Churchill
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Your life lived is a definition of you. Everyone in your life, past and present, friend and foe, believer and naysayer is instrumental in your success. It is your relationship to other people and circumstances that defines you. It is easy to embrace those who believe in and support you . What about those who get under your skin and don't have faith in our gifts and talents? What about that beautiful child of God that is oh-so-cleverly disguised as the world's biggest a-hole? What is their role, aside from making us miserable at every waking moment?
Who is it that irritates you? Who do you really hate to see coming? If this person is indeed your teacher, what is the lesson? What have you gained from their presence? Patience? Strength? Clarity? Perseverance? Story after story of great successes always have a character that challenges the human spirit. There is always someone that pushes your buttons and makes you want to be or do more. At first, the reason might be competitive, ego-driven or vengeful? What is the merit for you in the end? Does this person force you to step up to the plate in a way that you would not otherwise consider? Take some time today to appreciate those who you do not normally embrace. What are you grateful for? Why are you glad that they are in your life?
success or sabotage? success is a team effort, even if the team isn't on your payroll or in your business plan. who has been instrumental in creating your success? who will be instrumental in moving you forward?
is this going to be an incredible day? what can you learn from another that will change the shape and unfolding of your day?
“Everyone and everything around you is your teacher”—Ken Keyes
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Who is it that irritates you? Who do you really hate to see coming? If this person is indeed your teacher, what is the lesson? What have you gained from their presence? Patience? Strength? Clarity? Perseverance? Story after story of great successes always have a character that challenges the human spirit. There is always someone that pushes your buttons and makes you want to be or do more. At first, the reason might be competitive, ego-driven or vengeful? What is the merit for you in the end? Does this person force you to step up to the plate in a way that you would not otherwise consider? Take some time today to appreciate those who you do not normally embrace. What are you grateful for? Why are you glad that they are in your life?
success or sabotage? success is a team effort, even if the team isn't on your payroll or in your business plan. who has been instrumental in creating your success? who will be instrumental in moving you forward?
is this going to be an incredible day? what can you learn from another that will change the shape and unfolding of your day?
“Everyone and everything around you is your teacher”—Ken Keyes
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
The world is filled with "couch critics." It has become a favorite past time for many to sit around and point out the foibles and flaws of our world leaders, politicians, bosses and even families. Our index fingers are nearly conditioned to point in the direction of "fault" when we see inefficiency, incompetence or wrong doing. It is not a question of validity on the part of the claim. Many of the accusations and arguments are sound. There may indeed be evidence to suggest that we are "right," but how does that contribute to creating something more effective. Criticism is easy; action is often difficult. Would you rather be right or effective? They are not always the same.
If you feel that you're living in a world "gone mad," then consider your own life. How does your life contribute to a better world? Before you look outward, look inward (and in the mirror). If you don't like the life that you're living, you have three choices:
1. You can either complain about it to anyone who will listen,
2. You can quietly suffer and work your way to martyrdom or,
3. You can do something about it.
As you well know, the most effective choice is not a simple one. If you are not going to live your life as a critic or a victim, you are going to have to take the responsibility for effective solutions. This is often easier said than done.
Today, identify one thing in the world that you believe is in need of improvement. How will you use your life (beginning today) to begin to create something more effective?
success or sabotage? success requires responsibility; sabotage is a habit of comfort for those who prefer to live as victims.
is this going to be an incredible day? what can you do to create an incredible day TODAY?
“The way to mend the bad world is to create the right world”—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
If you feel that you're living in a world "gone mad," then consider your own life. How does your life contribute to a better world? Before you look outward, look inward (and in the mirror). If you don't like the life that you're living, you have three choices:
1. You can either complain about it to anyone who will listen,
2. You can quietly suffer and work your way to martyrdom or,
3. You can do something about it.
As you well know, the most effective choice is not a simple one. If you are not going to live your life as a critic or a victim, you are going to have to take the responsibility for effective solutions. This is often easier said than done.
Today, identify one thing in the world that you believe is in need of improvement. How will you use your life (beginning today) to begin to create something more effective?
success or sabotage? success requires responsibility; sabotage is a habit of comfort for those who prefer to live as victims.
is this going to be an incredible day? what can you do to create an incredible day TODAY?
“The way to mend the bad world is to create the right world”—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Are you driving your life or is your life driving you? It is astounding how simple it is to fall into a habit of complacency, living as if your choices are limited to reactions rather than actions. Most of us can agree that our thoughts (in some way, shape or form) influence or rule our lives. The important thing to remember (and how quickly and easily we forget!) is that we rule our thoughts. Let us not confuse the role of a ruler. A ruler does not control; he governs. If we were to attempt to control our thoughts, it is a pretty safe bet that we would quickly be on the road to self-sabotage. The energy expended on trying to control our thoughts would deplete us of the ability to function effectively in other areas of our lives. If you attempt to pretend that your thoughts don't exist, you will actually empower them (what you resist, persists). It is not about ignoring your thoughts; it is about managing them. Think of your thoughts as a sometimes challenging business colleague or family member. They sometimes have what they believe to be your best interests at heart, but they are acting out of limited information (based on your past experiences, upbringing, etc). Do you surrender your success, livelihood and joy without the appropriate due diligence? Whose life is it, anyway?
success or sabotage? do you manage your thoughts or do you find your thoughts managing you?
is this going to be an incredible day? this is not dependent on the weather, your finances, the number of successful sales, your partner's mood or the traffic...or, is it?
“Thoughts are things.”—Charles Fillmore
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
success or sabotage? do you manage your thoughts or do you find your thoughts managing you?
is this going to be an incredible day? this is not dependent on the weather, your finances, the number of successful sales, your partner's mood or the traffic...or, is it?
“Thoughts are things.”—Charles Fillmore
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
personal development,
How do you define your life? Have you ever given thought to the question? You may define your life as your experiences, accomplishments, deeds and behavior. The source of all of these is your belief system. You speak, act and live what you believe. This is a simply stated vital piece of truth. If you are what you believe, it stands to reason that if you do not like your life, you can examine your thoughts as the source of your experience. This is a revolutionary concept; it challenges those who believe that environmental and hereditary factors are the primary indicators of one's life. Does one's environment and heredity influence your thoughts? Of course, they do! You do not, however, have to remain subject to ineffective thinking. You can free yourself by changing your thoughts/beliefs. This means that ANYONE, regardless of ethnicity, sex, age, talent, etc can rise above their circumstances to create something better. Do some have more challenges and obstacles than others? Perhaps, but one still has the gift of opportunity to create anew every day.
success or sabotage? what are your beliefs about success? do you see yourself as being successful or on your way?
is this going to be an incredible day? what makes one day more incredible than another? are all days incredible or do specific things have to happen to make it so?
“Man is what he believes.”—Anton Chekhov
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
success or sabotage? what are your beliefs about success? do you see yourself as being successful or on your way?
is this going to be an incredible day? what makes one day more incredible than another? are all days incredible or do specific things have to happen to make it so?
“Man is what he believes.”—Anton Chekhov
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
personal development,
How much of the joy in life can be attributed to an attitude/approach rather than your actual experiences? There will always be challenges and obstacles in your path. There will always be moments of doubt and fear. There will always temptations of fear and despair. It is all a matter of choice. The best part is (or the worst, depending on your frame of mind!) that the choice belongs to you. You can view your life as a curse in the making or a gift in the unfolding. Is your glass half-empty or half-full? You may have an inclination toward one more than the other. Which one do you think will be more effective in adding to a joyful life?
Life is a fairy tale. Does your mind immediately flash to Cinderella coupled with the Prince and headed off into wedded bliss? Let's not forget that before Cinderella found herself moving into the palace that she had to deal with a detached father, a less than nurturing stepmother and a couple of envious stepsisters. Despite all of the obstacles, she never lost sight of her dream--even in the most challenging of circumstances. There is a reason why these stories, all stories of human trial and triumph, have the same plot devices. It is not simply because they are the elements of a good story. They are the archetypes for the human experience. In all of them, you can see how choice plays a critical role in the unfolding of the future--for every effect, there is a cause.
success or sabotage? are your choices more aligned for success than sabotage? does the evidence of your life support the answer? if not, what are some effective choices that you can make TODAY to create greater success?
is this going to be an incredible day? the choice, after all, is yours!
"Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.”—P. Dorman
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
Life is a fairy tale. Does your mind immediately flash to Cinderella coupled with the Prince and headed off into wedded bliss? Let's not forget that before Cinderella found herself moving into the palace that she had to deal with a detached father, a less than nurturing stepmother and a couple of envious stepsisters. Despite all of the obstacles, she never lost sight of her dream--even in the most challenging of circumstances. There is a reason why these stories, all stories of human trial and triumph, have the same plot devices. It is not simply because they are the elements of a good story. They are the archetypes for the human experience. In all of them, you can see how choice plays a critical role in the unfolding of the future--for every effect, there is a cause.
success or sabotage? are your choices more aligned for success than sabotage? does the evidence of your life support the answer? if not, what are some effective choices that you can make TODAY to create greater success?
is this going to be an incredible day? the choice, after all, is yours!
"Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.”—P. Dorman
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
One of the greatest awakenings for me was the day that I realized that all of my experiences, both "good" and "bad," "joyful" and "saddening" were all working in collusion to see that I succeeded. Now, in order to completely comprehend my meaning of success, it is necessary to broaden your perspective. When I am able to take a moment and reflect on my life, I can see that success at any level requires preparation and conditioning if it is going to be sustainable. Success for me is not simply the completion of my objective; it also includes the transformation and self-awareness that is required for me to sustain and relish the moments before, during and after. It is important that we don't simply exist to accomplish certain objectives. Isn't this the core of the work/life balance issue that plagues so many Americans today? We often become focused on the intended results and become blind to the experience. Is any goal worthy of sacrificing love, joy and happiness? If you are not going to enjoy yourself along the way, what's the point?
So many of us put off our joy and happiness as something better positioned for the future ("when I have more money," "when I get my promotion," "when I get married," etc...). Life is a luxury that we cannot afford to waste. Awaken to what is happening around you. Do you have an appreciation for the adventure that is your daily life? Open your eyes today to the unexpected. What unexpected pleasure is crossing your path today?
success or sabotage? is your definition of success limited to specific results or to attitudes, feelings or emotions?
is this going to be an incredible day? this day will NEVER be repeated. what makes this day incredible and unique?
“Success is a journey, not a destination.”—Wayne Dyer
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
So many of us put off our joy and happiness as something better positioned for the future ("when I have more money," "when I get my promotion," "when I get married," etc...). Life is a luxury that we cannot afford to waste. Awaken to what is happening around you. Do you have an appreciation for the adventure that is your daily life? Open your eyes today to the unexpected. What unexpected pleasure is crossing your path today?
success or sabotage? is your definition of success limited to specific results or to attitudes, feelings or emotions?
is this going to be an incredible day? this day will NEVER be repeated. what makes this day incredible and unique?
“Success is a journey, not a destination.”—Wayne Dyer
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
We see things as we want to see them. As humans we have difficulty seeing a reality that is outside of the scope of our limited vision (which is a product of our environment, experiences, upbringing, etc). We have a tendency to walk around with an attitude that says "I'm ok, what's wrong with you?" This lens--which makes us human--is often the greatest obstacle to our personal success.
The rewarding part of this human equation is that we are provided with a daily opportunity to increase the clarity of our vision. If we are able to accept the possibility that we only see what we want to see, rather than the way that things actually are, we can stop and consider adjusting our lens.
Challenge yourself today. Think of the person that irritates you the most. Why do they bother you? Consider whether you have any evidence that indicates that your conclusion about them is true; then ask yourself if it really matters. Is it simply something that matters in the scheme of things? What are five things that you can say (with sincerity) that are positive about this person? Pay attention--how many times throughout the day do you pay attention to what is "negative/wrong/bad/stupid" about someone as opposed to what is "positive/right/good/intelligent." How difficult is it for you to switch your thinking? How does it feel when you are successful?
success or sabotage? if your eyes are weak, you can get glasses to improve your vision; you may do the same with the lens of your mind. are you more tuned to the success of you and others or failure?
is this going to be an incredible day? this day will never return again. the opportunities in your path today will never come in the same sequence again. what are your choices?
"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are."—Anais Nin
The rewarding part of this human equation is that we are provided with a daily opportunity to increase the clarity of our vision. If we are able to accept the possibility that we only see what we want to see, rather than the way that things actually are, we can stop and consider adjusting our lens.
Challenge yourself today. Think of the person that irritates you the most. Why do they bother you? Consider whether you have any evidence that indicates that your conclusion about them is true; then ask yourself if it really matters. Is it simply something that matters in the scheme of things? What are five things that you can say (with sincerity) that are positive about this person? Pay attention--how many times throughout the day do you pay attention to what is "negative/wrong/bad/stupid" about someone as opposed to what is "positive/right/good/intelligent." How difficult is it for you to switch your thinking? How does it feel when you are successful?
success or sabotage? if your eyes are weak, you can get glasses to improve your vision; you may do the same with the lens of your mind. are you more tuned to the success of you and others or failure?
is this going to be an incredible day? this day will never return again. the opportunities in your path today will never come in the same sequence again. what are your choices?
"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are."—Anais Nin
So often, our immediate reaction to dissatisfaction is to look outside of ourselves to see what we can change. We might change our job, move to a new residence, paint our room, etc....We get caught up in the "if only's" and the "would have, should have, could have" cycle of discontent. There is nothing wrong with a desire for change and for new things; it is important, however, that you be mindful of the root of your discontent. If you are under the mistaken belief that your joy is dependent on something outside of yourself, you will find yourself repeating the same ineffective patterns in your "new surroundings." How often do we hear our friends complain of the same things in job after job, relationship after relationship and move after move? It is not about "that," it is about you.
We must remove the scales from our eyes. They no longer serve us. Joy is a choice. It is indeed that simple. Every time that you make your happiness dependent upon someTHING or someONE else, you are giving your power away. It is not a judgment about right or wrong; it's about whether that choice is working effectively in your life. The good news is that you can change your perspective at any time. Make it your mission to see what IS, instead of what IS NOT. Focus on all that you have to be thankful for, knowing that there is plenty more to come. You might argue about "reality" as you see it, but even so, how does that serve you? Do you enjoy feeling stuck and static? If not, then begin to discipline yourself everyday. Align your self with your intentions.
success or sabotage? what do you see for yourself today?
is this going to be an incredible day? if you make it a point to see the "incredible" in the day, you are guaranteed success.
"The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."—Marcel Proust
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
We must remove the scales from our eyes. They no longer serve us. Joy is a choice. It is indeed that simple. Every time that you make your happiness dependent upon someTHING or someONE else, you are giving your power away. It is not a judgment about right or wrong; it's about whether that choice is working effectively in your life. The good news is that you can change your perspective at any time. Make it your mission to see what IS, instead of what IS NOT. Focus on all that you have to be thankful for, knowing that there is plenty more to come. You might argue about "reality" as you see it, but even so, how does that serve you? Do you enjoy feeling stuck and static? If not, then begin to discipline yourself everyday. Align your self with your intentions.
success or sabotage? what do you see for yourself today?
is this going to be an incredible day? if you make it a point to see the "incredible" in the day, you are guaranteed success.
"The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."—Marcel Proust
Mark Ward
nu*design LLC
So often we think of our thoughts as something managed by our brains (as an outside entity), rather than being under our control. You may even catch yourself reacting to your thoughts as if there is another being having conversations in your head. The truth is that thoughts are creative; they produce a reality that is aligned with your belief system. If you think of your mind as a garden and your thoughts as seeds, what are you planting? Have you unconsciously planted some weeds that need tending?
As you move into a new week, you are rewarded with the power of possibility and potential. Examine your thoughts as they relate to the day that stands "empty" before you. How will you fill the space? Take the time to focus on all that you have and will have rather than that which you feel is still lacking. The world is indeed your oyster!
success or sabotage? your thoughts are working at every moment toward one or the other. why not be conscious of your choice?
is this going to be an incredible day? what do you THINK?
"Thoughts are formative. They are like seeds that produce after their kind."—Myrtle Fillmore
As you move into a new week, you are rewarded with the power of possibility and potential. Examine your thoughts as they relate to the day that stands "empty" before you. How will you fill the space? Take the time to focus on all that you have and will have rather than that which you feel is still lacking. The world is indeed your oyster!
success or sabotage? your thoughts are working at every moment toward one or the other. why not be conscious of your choice?
is this going to be an incredible day? what do you THINK?
"Thoughts are formative. They are like seeds that produce after their kind."—Myrtle Fillmore
Palm pilots, cell phones, pagers, conference calls, meetings...our days are often consumed with activity. The question is what is your intention? It is at the moment when you forget the answer to the question that the "trouble" begins. It is in that vacuum of uncertainty--the moment when you forget the reason why you are doing what you are doing--that you make yourself vulnerable to office politics, gossip, job dissatisfaction, etc. Awaken to your sense of purpose. It does not need to be a sense of purpose for your existence; focus on your purpose TODAY. Why are you doing what you're doing?
This is a question that must be asked over and over again. The world changes and so does your life; your intentions will evolve with your being. You may entertain your fears by investing in a false belief where you are controlled by circumstances. Do not fall for this temptation of self-sabotage. You are always in the driver's seat. If you don't know where you're going, why don't you pull over and figure it out? Take the time to invest in yourself so that you will have more to give to others. Take 30 minutes for yourself today to examine your life. Do you like what you have created for yourself or is it time to create something new?
success or sabotage? your every thought word and action is answering this question. why not be conscious of your choice to effectively evaluate the merit of your decision?
is this going to be an incredible day? avoid the "hamster on the wheel" impersonation that has become so popular in american society. take inventory in yourself and give thought to what would make this a great day by your definition. what will you do to get it?
"It’s not enough to be busy…the question is: What are we busy about?"—Henry David Thoreau
This is a question that must be asked over and over again. The world changes and so does your life; your intentions will evolve with your being. You may entertain your fears by investing in a false belief where you are controlled by circumstances. Do not fall for this temptation of self-sabotage. You are always in the driver's seat. If you don't know where you're going, why don't you pull over and figure it out? Take the time to invest in yourself so that you will have more to give to others. Take 30 minutes for yourself today to examine your life. Do you like what you have created for yourself or is it time to create something new?
success or sabotage? your every thought word and action is answering this question. why not be conscious of your choice to effectively evaluate the merit of your decision?
is this going to be an incredible day? avoid the "hamster on the wheel" impersonation that has become so popular in american society. take inventory in yourself and give thought to what would make this a great day by your definition. what will you do to get it?
"It’s not enough to be busy…the question is: What are we busy about?"—Henry David Thoreau
Have you ever witnessed the power of the positive? There are some people that walk the earth that grace us with unending joy and optimism. They are magnets. Their love of life and positive outlook seems to attract people to them. Like attracts like; it is the law of the universe. Who doesn't want to be around someone who is happy?
What is your attitude about life? Many walk around as if they are on the way to the gas chamber--imprisoned by their own misery and victim to their own negativity. Your attitude is not an entity outside of you; it IS you and can be managed accordingly. Where are you investing your energy? Are you investing in lack, limitation and negativity? Are you investing where you will get the most positive return? If others were to be asked about your attitude what would they say? Would they suggest that you need an attitude adjustment?
Spend some time today examining your attitude. Is it well managed? Could it benefit from a shift of focus? How might your attitude be limiting you in your daily life?
success or sabotage? at the core of all success (however it is defined), is an attitude. is your attitude serving or limiting your success?
is this going to be an incredible day? what if your attitude was one of pure potential and possibility?
"Hardening of the attitudes is the most deadly disease on the face of the earth." –Zig Ziglar
What is your attitude about life? Many walk around as if they are on the way to the gas chamber--imprisoned by their own misery and victim to their own negativity. Your attitude is not an entity outside of you; it IS you and can be managed accordingly. Where are you investing your energy? Are you investing in lack, limitation and negativity? Are you investing where you will get the most positive return? If others were to be asked about your attitude what would they say? Would they suggest that you need an attitude adjustment?
Spend some time today examining your attitude. Is it well managed? Could it benefit from a shift of focus? How might your attitude be limiting you in your daily life?
success or sabotage? at the core of all success (however it is defined), is an attitude. is your attitude serving or limiting your success?
is this going to be an incredible day? what if your attitude was one of pure potential and possibility?
"Hardening of the attitudes is the most deadly disease on the face of the earth." –Zig Ziglar
Your life experience is flavored by your thoughts, perceptions and reactions. If you take a moment to reflect on the pivotal circumstances in your life, you will see that it is not actually the event itself, but your reaction (your thoughts translated into action) to it that creates the defining moments. Our lives are made up of realizations (ah-ha's) when our filter expands and we begin to see the world differently.
The value of this ancient wisdom is that it reminds you that you are the architect of your life. You can literally reconstruct your life at any point by beginning with your thoughts. Change your thinking, change your life. This truth is found in all of the major religions, cultures and philosophies. Why? It is the truth; it permeates and survives the limited perspective and dogma of man. Is it easy? No, it requires a great deal of discipline. Is it rewarding? The answer is, of course, rhetorical; yet, many will resign from the responsibility that immediately follows the realization.
Begin with today. Who would you like to be today and what are the thoughts that are most effective for that being? Be patient with yourself and watch a new way of being unfold.
success or sabotage? you are always choosing one or the other; why not be conscious of the choice that you're making?
is this going to be an incredible day? what do you THINK?
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."—William Shakespeare
The value of this ancient wisdom is that it reminds you that you are the architect of your life. You can literally reconstruct your life at any point by beginning with your thoughts. Change your thinking, change your life. This truth is found in all of the major religions, cultures and philosophies. Why? It is the truth; it permeates and survives the limited perspective and dogma of man. Is it easy? No, it requires a great deal of discipline. Is it rewarding? The answer is, of course, rhetorical; yet, many will resign from the responsibility that immediately follows the realization.
Begin with today. Who would you like to be today and what are the thoughts that are most effective for that being? Be patient with yourself and watch a new way of being unfold.
success or sabotage? you are always choosing one or the other; why not be conscious of the choice that you're making?
is this going to be an incredible day? what do you THINK?
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."—William Shakespeare
Everything that you see around you was preceded by a thought. Thought is the predecessor to creation of any kind, no matter how it is produced. You are a creative being. You are creating all of the time, beginning with your thoughts and ending with your reality. Your life as it has unfolded to this point is a product of your thoughts.
At first, the consideration of this truth can be very unsettling. It is much simpler (and often more comfortable) to think of yourself as a victim of circumstance--just another spec in a universe whirling out of control. Then, once you have entertained the power of the possibility, you are able to unleash your imagination as a tool for your future (rather than a useless past time). You have heard it said that "if you dream it, you can be it." Simply stated? Yes. Simply executed? No, not for most of us. Even getting beyond the fear of possibility can seem like a monumental chore. So, where to begin? Begin by dreaming. What will your life be like when you have everything that you want? If that is too big for you to digest (and the voices of doubt become too loud), what is your dream for the week?
success or sabotage? success can only be a reality for those who have the imagination to envision it as their own.
is this going to be an incredible day? how do you imagine the perfect day?
"Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions."—Albert Einstein
At first, the consideration of this truth can be very unsettling. It is much simpler (and often more comfortable) to think of yourself as a victim of circumstance--just another spec in a universe whirling out of control. Then, once you have entertained the power of the possibility, you are able to unleash your imagination as a tool for your future (rather than a useless past time). You have heard it said that "if you dream it, you can be it." Simply stated? Yes. Simply executed? No, not for most of us. Even getting beyond the fear of possibility can seem like a monumental chore. So, where to begin? Begin by dreaming. What will your life be like when you have everything that you want? If that is too big for you to digest (and the voices of doubt become too loud), what is your dream for the week?
success or sabotage? success can only be a reality for those who have the imagination to envision it as their own.
is this going to be an incredible day? how do you imagine the perfect day?
"Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions."—Albert Einstein
'Defeat' is a limited concept. It is important, I think, to choose whether it serves you to really believe in it. If you set out to achieve something and fall short of reaching your goal, does that make the entire experience a losing venture? Don't you usually emerge with greater insight about yourself as a result? It sounds a bit idealistic and you may hear the angry voices in your head rise up in resentment, but it comes down to where you want to invest your energy. Regret has been proven to be a bad investment. If you have to ask yourself if the often fashionable "would've, could've, should've approach" to life leads to a more joyful existence. If not, what's the point?
success or sabotage? don't allow yourself to be governed by the restrictions of fear and expectation. is success really success if you're not free to enjoy it?
is this going to be an incredible day? ingest only the positive and allow those things that tempt you to surrender to negativity fall to the side.
"Defeat isn’t bitter if you don’t swallow it."—Ted Engstrom
success or sabotage? don't allow yourself to be governed by the restrictions of fear and expectation. is success really success if you're not free to enjoy it?
is this going to be an incredible day? ingest only the positive and allow those things that tempt you to surrender to negativity fall to the side.
"Defeat isn’t bitter if you don’t swallow it."—Ted Engstrom
How are you feeling about the day that stands before you? Many fall victim to the illusion that your thoughts FOLLOW your feelings. It is actually the other way around. When you subscribe to the belief that your thoughts are merely reactions, you are living the life of a victim and are limited in your endeavors. When you accept the truth and realize that you are the manager and creator of your thoughts, then you are in the realm of power and possibility.
No matter how you define your yesterday or your worries about tomorrow, today is a blank canvas for you to create at will. I invite you to see your self in action. What is the perfect outcome for today? How will you feel at the end of the day? Now, see your self in the thoughts, words and actions that will lead to these results.
success or sabotage? you are the creator and benefactor of success.
is this going to be an incredible day? what are you ordering?
"Order your thoughts and you will order your life." -James Allen
No matter how you define your yesterday or your worries about tomorrow, today is a blank canvas for you to create at will. I invite you to see your self in action. What is the perfect outcome for today? How will you feel at the end of the day? Now, see your self in the thoughts, words and actions that will lead to these results.
success or sabotage? you are the creator and benefactor of success.
is this going to be an incredible day? what are you ordering?
"Order your thoughts and you will order your life." -James Allen
There are days when you might awaken absent of emotion. You may have a comfortable relationship with apathy; there is nothing particularly exciting on your radar and you are simply going through the motions. It is at these moments, when you are awarded an incredible opportunity.
Thought precedes emotion. Your life is a blank canvas and you are the artist. Indifference is an invitation to remember the power that you hold within you. You have the choice to create a day filled with love, joy and laughter (or one that simply functions in reactionary mode--vulnerable to whatever crosses your path).
Take a moment (or a few) to think of those things which make you happy. Allow your self to really feel what it is like to experience them. Think of all of the things for which you are grateful. Feel the gratitude welling up within your soul. Now, make a quick list of 20 things that you enjoy doing. From the list, choose one or two of the things that you have not done in a while and put them on your schedule for today.
success or sabotage? passion fuels success. what is the point of success if you are not having fun? if you are waiting until you have "earned" it, you are missing the opportunity for greater success.
is this going to be an incredible day? do not overlook the question. answer it with your actions.
"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference."--Elie Wiesel
Thought precedes emotion. Your life is a blank canvas and you are the artist. Indifference is an invitation to remember the power that you hold within you. You have the choice to create a day filled with love, joy and laughter (or one that simply functions in reactionary mode--vulnerable to whatever crosses your path).
Take a moment (or a few) to think of those things which make you happy. Allow your self to really feel what it is like to experience them. Think of all of the things for which you are grateful. Feel the gratitude welling up within your soul. Now, make a quick list of 20 things that you enjoy doing. From the list, choose one or two of the things that you have not done in a while and put them on your schedule for today.
success or sabotage? passion fuels success. what is the point of success if you are not having fun? if you are waiting until you have "earned" it, you are missing the opportunity for greater success.
is this going to be an incredible day? do not overlook the question. answer it with your actions.
"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference."--Elie Wiesel
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