

You are walking down the street on a beautiful spring day. Without warning, you find that you have stepped into some dog-doo. Now you have poop on your new Kenneth Cole's! In this situation, one might declare the injustice of dog owners who do not clean up after their pets. One might also share the pain of the experience, encouraging everyone to look at and smell the shoes. Attempts at vindication, however, are not proactive. It may serve your sense of righteous indignation, but it will do nothing to assist you in getting where you would like to be (unless your goal is to remain a victim). Instead, why not clean up or change your shoes? Take a moment to look at what you might have done to have been more effective (such as watching where you step!).

If you are not happy with where you are at this moment, do not stay entrenched in the misery of your circumstances. You did not arrive here by accident. Your thoughts, words, and actions (your choices) brought you here. On some level, you received what you intended (even if that intention was unconscious, you are living one!). You can either utilize this opportunity for judgment and self-criticism or you can allow it to better inform you for today and the days to come. What are three things that you can do TODAY to create a more effective life for your self? Even a small step of clarity is a step in an effective direction.

success or sabotage? success requires one to find the opportunity in all circumstances.

is this going to be an incredible day? what opportunities does this day hold for greater joy and satisfaction?

"Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped." - African proverb

Mark Ward
nu*design LLC

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