

Have you ever witnessed the power of the positive? There are some people that walk the earth that grace us with unending joy and optimism. They are magnets. Their love of life and positive outlook seems to attract people to them. Like attracts like; it is the law of the universe. Who doesn't want to be around someone who is happy?

What is your attitude about life? Many walk around as if they are on the way to the gas chamber--imprisoned by their own misery and victim to their own negativity. Your attitude is not an entity outside of you; it IS you and can be managed accordingly. Where are you investing your energy? Are you investing in lack, limitation and negativity? Are you investing where you will get the most positive return? If others were to be asked about your attitude what would they say? Would they suggest that you need an attitude adjustment?

Spend some time today examining your attitude. Is it well managed? Could it benefit from a shift of focus? How might your attitude be limiting you in your daily life?

success or sabotage? at the core of all success (however it is defined), is an attitude. is your attitude serving or limiting your success?

is this going to be an incredible day? what if your attitude was one of pure potential and possibility?

"Hardening of the attitudes is the most deadly disease on the face of the earth." –Zig Ziglar

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